So 7 July - cable to Tschentenalp + cable to Sillerenbühl
Mo 8 July - walk to Tschentenegg - Adelboden-dorf + cable to Engstlichenalp
Tu 9 July - walk to Tschentenalp - Adelboden-dorf + cable to Tschentenalp + bus to Geils and cable to Hahnenmoospass
Mi 10 July - Trotti Vogellisiberg - evening visit to Geils, Gilbach, Aebi and Schermtanne
Th 11 July - walk to Tschentenegg and Adelboden-Dorf + cable to Elsigenalp + chillen at the river + lunch at Berghaus Elsigenalp
Fr 12 July - cable to Tschentenalp + bus to Frutigen + train to Kandersteg - Lunch at Schweizerhof
Sa 13 July - transit from Adelboden towards Reutsperre - lunch at BBQ-place Gsteigwiler
So 14 July - Engstlenalp + lunch at Wagenkehr
Mo 15 July - walk to Gross & Klein Rychebach + transit from Reutesperre to Wilderswil + train to Schynige Platte + walk to top of Oberberghorn
Tu 16 July - train back to Wilderswil + transit from Wilderwil via Emmentaler to Wirzweli
We 17 July - visit to Lochthütte Alpkäserei + cable to Gummenalp
Th 18 July - CH -> NL